

Tony Nora’s personal health experience is one for the textbooks. Having experienced a plethora of his own complex medical challenges and treatments through well-known conventional methods, the Texas native and entrepreneur decided to build upon the traditional medical foundation by delving deeply into alternative methods of healthcare, primarily the holistic, non-invasive approach to healing and maintaining a healthy human soul. Upon extensive research and investigation, he arrived at the conclusion that there was much more to accomplish in acquiring a reasonably sound human machine or physical body. As an avid researcher into medical science and obscure or little-known fields of related medical study, Nora’s goal isn’t to replace all of the popular approaches but to present methods of treatment that prove both effective and affordable to the average medical client and patient. Nora commented: “I have and continue to study quantum physics, genetic neurosicence, and atomic medicine, as it relates to my craft, my venture.” His motivation? He announced,” is not to line my pockets with wads of client’s hard-earn cash but to allow people from all walks of life to share in the benefits of my extensive studies, discoveries, and examinations.” The public is continually bombarded with “medical fads,” he said, “stemming from a desire to for some to get rich and famous and maybe help a few they’re lucky.” But the public needs reliable medical methods in an increasingly complicated medical world. Nora believes that if the immune system,” the body’s defense system against disease and breakdown, “is sufficiently fortified and strong,” through nutrient enrichment and re-enforcement, “the result will be stronger, healthier human beings with extended lifespans. In the process of his studies, Nora couldn’t help but notice the medical inequities that exist between countries and cultures and the often ignorance that continually feeds the seemingly impregnable status quo nearly everywhere, even developed lands. In an interview, Nora, an avid humanitarian, explains his sincere desire to address not only the symptoms but the root causes of the perplexing yet often worsening medical climate, especially in third-world-countries. When you read testimonials from individuals who had all but given up on a healthier future, but when they learned about Nora’s little known approaches, found a mechanism to cope and understand their challenges. Admittedly, the burgeoning cost of prescription drugs and basic medical care continues to sideline a lion’s share of the human population. But Nora points to another factor that, because of misplaced sympathy, gets buried in the process. Human behavior or social habits. His common sense approach led him to the conclusion that regardless the solution, human conduct must reflect a health respect for the dangers of high-risk behavior, which exposes many to life-threatening situations or crippling results. From a practical perspective, he believes, and rightly so, that forms of cancer and other diseases can be at least curtailed if precautionary measures are take seriously. This is not unlike an overwhelming number of medical practitioners and health-conscious enthusiasts. Nora’s objective is to address each health issue and related matters and treat them as a unit since one feeds off the other. The neck, for instance, is connected to the feet and the hands are connected to the brain, at least indirectly: All physical parts of the body are connected. What a magnificent mechanism the body is, not to mention the mind (brain), which also requires positive reinforcement on a continual basis. Tony Nora feels he has tapped into something that will aid millions to enjoy a more productive and lengthy existence. Stay tuned for more information about his approaches and his.new office grand opening coming soon.